Finally, the recent Global Cooling User Community meeting raised a prioritized list of issues seen by not only operators, but also system administrators, managers, and field users. 最后,在最近的GlobalCoolingUserCommunity会议上提出了一个按优先顺序排列的问题列表,这不仅是操作人员,而且系统管理员,经理,以及区域用户都可以看到。
On this project, large features were hard to fit into the prioritized list for a release; the client often preferred ten smaller items to one large item, even if that large item was important. 在本项目中,大型特性很难填入到一个版本的优先表中;比起一个大项目,客户通常更愿意选择10个较小的项目,即使那个大项目很重要。
Published prioritized list of customer issues and concerns in defect database 客户问题和对缺陷数据库关注的已发布的优先化的列表
It is a prioritized list of all desired work or features for the project. 它是项目所有预期工作或者特性的优先列表。
At the beginning of an iteration the team collectively selects the work items from its prioritized work items list. 在迭代的开始,团队共同地从已排列优先级的工作项目列表中选择工作项目。
Business requirements are expressed in general terms and maintained as a prioritized list. 业务需求表述为通用术语,并作为具有优先顺序的列表进行维护。
You need to write an accurate, prioritized list and you need to block out a portion of your morning to accomplish your No.1 task uninterrupted. 必须列出一张准确,按轻重缓急顺序的清单,然后腾出上午某个时间段,不间断地完成首要任务。
Prioritize A good way to manage time is to make a prioritized to-do list so that the most important tasks are completed first and the less important ones are completed last. 学会分清主次一个管理时间的好方法就是按照事情的重要程度列出一个单子。最重要的事情最先完成,最不重要的最后完成。
Waiting for a proper prioritized list of requirements-so that work can get started. 等待需求的正确优先级&这样工作才能开始推进。
The Scrum notion of'backlog'is a single, prioritized list of user stories for the team to implement. Scrum中“backlog”指的是一个单独的经过优先级排序的故事列表,由团队进行实现。
Throw out any that just don't fit and make a prioritized list of the rest. 把不适合的名字剔掉,把剩下的名字按优先顺序排列。
By applying the AHP, the criteria could be prioritized and a descending order list of quality of maintenance service could be made in order to select the best enterprise to perform the maintenance service. 通过应用AHP方法,能优先考虑判断准则,由此得到维修服务质量的逆序排列,从而能评选出维修服务质量最优的维修商。